Saturday, June 7, 2008

I So Totally Caved In :(

So after eons of rain, sinking to my knees in my fabulously tilled earth, diligently picking and squishing worms & eggs I find on the Brussel Sprouts, and those pesky little flea beetles that have set up a small country on the Baby Eggplants; I found that I was fighting a loosing battle.

I sprinkled Sevin Dust on them...

I'm an organic failure!

I'm so disappointed in myself.

I'm sorry to my faithfull readers who I know were pulling for me every step of the organic way.

I was simply at wit's end and even with the suggestions from Swampy, my neighbor caught me at a week moment and waived the bag of Sevin in front of me and told how simple it would be, and I So Totally Caved :(


swampcritter2 said...

When you have a certain amount of sweat equity invested in a crop that you have planted and cultivated, it should not be regarded as a cardinal sin to resort to the use of non-organic pesticides. I've done so myself , and if I'm pressed, I'll do so again, and sleep well enough without regrets. You did all you could, and if you had to resort to the use of Sevin ( a fairly innocuous pesticide at that) then be happy with yourself, and don't look back, it will work in a pinch, and you were in a pinch. Nobody should be let down over this.

Wymzie said...

Thanks for the Props Swampy!

Sweat Equity is the name of my next post!

Anonymous said...

Wymzie, you just joined the crowd of many of us that would prefer to not use anything "unnatural". I've done the same thing in the past.

Might I suggest for the future that you try Neem Oil? Mix a little Neem with a little Ivory liquid to emulsify it, add to water and spray away. Gotta tell ya, the garlicky aroma will set you back a tad but you'll get over it.

Anonymous said...

You are forgiven.