Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Friends and Neighbors with Skills and Big Toys

What a day! First thing today, my friend and neighbor came over and showed me what I needed to do to replace some rotten spots in the sub-flooring in the upstairs bath. Well, as he was showing me he ended up doing more than I wanted him to, and it's a good thing, because when he left me on my own with specific instructions on how to cut around the flange on the commode and water pipes...
let's say I was off a tad.

He left me his jigsaw to use even though I insisted that I had one, and when I showed him mine, he smiled and said "you better just use mine". Wow! There is a big difference in the newer jigsaws!

I'll wrap up with my good neighbor fixed my sub-floor and I am very thankful to him for it. He's self admittedly anal about it being just right, and it is.

Meanwhile back at the ranch, my bush beans that I originally thought were pole beans, and my pole beans that I originally thought were bush beans are growing like crazy.
Hubby tried to do a little trellis for them, but they're outta control.
The couple that owns the Bridal Shop have been invaded by a bamboo forest. I called and asked if they would mind if I came and cut a few pieces. They said I could take all I wanted. I got into the beast with my new bow saw and went and cut 12 canes. I stuck them in the back door of the beast and brought them home hanging out of the back the 6 blocks home.
While I was on my way Hubby called and said that Dale was at the house with his JohnDeere and was flattening out the sand!
I am soooo tickled!
Everything on the house is coming together and it is looking beautiful!
No more open pit outside my door!
No more ruts to break ones leg, no more standing water in puddles up to one's knees.
We now have a level surface on which we can now order topsoil and then plant grass!
Dale and his John Deere rock! What we were doing shovel by shovel he took and scraped the entire yard with the front end loader and made it all smooth.
Smiling the entire time, he looked like a little kid playing in a big sandbox. After he was finished he said "I can't call that work"...
Boys and their Toys

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