Thursday, May 15, 2008

Sinking Into the Mud!

Today, I ventured into the garden it actually looked like I could walk into it without drowning.
Although I can't say that about my neighbors.
I thought I would thin out the baby corn plants again, and pass off the extras to the waterlogged neighbor.
I successfully pulled out about 25 plants and took them to the garden next door. Bending over and planting them (I'm a bender, not a squatter or kneeler) I suddenly feel one side of my body sinking.
I look at my right foot and it is completely covered in mud, and I continue sinking to my mid calf.
I couldn't believe it!
After digging my foot out, I continued my transplanting and they now have two rows of corn that hopefully will stay above water, unlike the last two rows I planted.

My bush beans are coming up sporadically, and I'm a bit disappointed in them.
Additionally, the squash and cukes are looking really bad. The squash had blossoms, but the stems are nearly as yellow as the blossoms.
We desperately need some sun for a few days to dry this ground up a little bit.
I'm really hoping that the rain predicted for tomorrow doesn't come.

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