Thursday, January 1, 2009

It's a New Year and What are We Gonna Do?

Now is the time to turn the tide of our lives and set sail in the direction that we have been promising ourselves we would do for a long time.
I know, I know, we get off to a great start and by the second week of February, were sunk.
Wouldn't it be great if we were more self disiplined to keep those goals and dreams alive and see them to fruition?

I don't think we should be so hard on ourselves though. There are many many areas of our lives that we do well in, and we need to look at those areas and find out what it is about those places that we are able to be successfull and try to apply the same actions to places where we aren't so successful.

I really believe it is a matter of breaking it down and getting to the crux of it. We make things so difficult for ourselves, beat ourselves up, and then have a low outlook of our being.

We better raise our heads and start respecting, and taking care of us. We spend so much time on taking care of others that we don't take aside the 'MY' time.

I am determind this year not to focus on the usual, diet, exersice, and usual resolutions. Instead, I am going to focus on what is really just plain 'Good' for me, what's 'Right' for me, what's the 'Best' for me. Kinda like what we do for our kids.

Why is that so hard for us to do for ourselves?

I am not going to go on a diet. I am going to take each meal and break it into every morsel and do what is right, what is good and what is best.

I am excited by this. I know how to judge these things for my kids, so I know I can do this for myself.

What a relief, the pressure of imminent failure isn't there. I'm just going to take care of me! The great thing is that if I take care of me, like I take care of my family, then I will be better equipped to be an even better wife and mother, and hence be a better friend, a better citizen, a better person.

Happy New Year Everyone!
Remember, don't be hard on yourself, rather simply just take care of yourself!

It's not only a New Year, but it's a New Day!

God Bless!

1 comment:

swampcritter2 said...

Very good sentiment Miss Wymzie.
As I was reading your post I couldn't help thinking of the oft-repeated tale of a man who when going down the street, came upon a fellow beating himself in the head with a hammer.
When he asked the man why he was doing such a thing, the man with the hammer replied, " Because it feels so good when I stop."