Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Check Out These Roses!!!!

This year I was completely stupified by these roses granduer.
I mean all of this from a cheap rose bush from Walmart 6 years ago.
They are 'Queen Elizabeth' Roses, and I simply find it unbelievable that this cheap Walmart bush would produce such reliable beautiful blooms year after year.
Much earlier this last year, a Nor'easter knocked down their faithful trellis that held them up since they were purchased.
On Birthday's Mother's Day and Easter, my children always buy me a rose bush or another type of perennial for me to plant in our extensive garden. They know how cheap I am and would never go and spend the money that I know is essential to spend on a good rose, from somewhere like Thomases or other reputile nurseries.
However, this beaty, I picked up on clearance at Walmart when I was their shopping for something else one day. I didn't give it a lot of thought after I purchased it. As a matter of fact, I left it on the porch for several weeks un planted before I walked outside and uncerimoniously planted the poor dry thing.
But low and behold just a few day's later the previously pasty white stems were now green and it was growing more!
I will never again judge a book by it's cover, and it was grown in the US, so despite it's meager beginings this rose has turned out to be a such the head turner!

1 comment:

Laura said...

I bought the Queen Elizabeth for my mom for Mother's Day this year. I hope it turns out as lovely as yours has for her!