Friday, July 24, 2009

I Feel Like a Big Girl

Wow, this is so strange. I'm home almost alone. Hubby and the Princess are off on business today.

I saw a friends status on Facebook today saying that her husband was going to be home for a month and she was hoping that they didn't kill each other. One of her friends responded and said that she should be grateful because she hadn't seen her husband in nine months and he was schedualed to come home for just two weeks and then back to Afganistan again.

Boy, that sure puts it all in perspective doesn't it.

I am the wife of a serial entrepenuer who loves me more than I can even describe. Ever since I got sick he has nearly outright refused to leave me side for almost four years. His business requires him to travel quite a bit, but he has since insisted that I come along. It has been really exciting and we get to see soooo much and experience so many different things together, so I am certainly not complaining.

We are completely co-dependant upon each other, but you know, I just don't think that is such a bad thing.

Everybody needs someone to love them unconditionally, and while I sometimes put some conditions on my affection like..."you gotta pluck your nose hair", or "your shirt is on inside out". The fact of the matter is I love him, and don't know what I would do without him.

Yet, I am home alone (still have the 10 year old) and it has been such a long time I feel so grown up!
It's funny how when we were younger he was gone all the time on business trips, and I was alone for nearly two years, only seeing him on the weekends. I hated it at first, but then found I really liked it. I found an independance I didn't know that I had .

But it has been since 02 since he has worked away from the house far enough that he had to get into a car and drive. Having a home office is wonderful, or working 50 feet from the back porch is remarkable.
Its great having him home for our family meals (which he often cooks) and having him here for a hand on heavy things that I can't do myself.

One of the most wonderful things about having him home is that since the 10 year olds birth he took more of an active role in the day to day life of raising this child. With our two eldest, we were younger, and it was harder to make ends meet and he had to be gone so much that most of the child rearing was my responsibilty but with the youngest he has been a literal Mr. Mom. So much so, I think the older two are often times jealous.

Time is something that we can't buy. Health is marginally available for purchase, and the time that we have spent together has been priceless.
While there are material things that we all would have liked, persuing ones dreams is far more valuable and satisfying.
I'm grateful to the husband that chases his dreams from his home office, and takes such wonderful care of me. I'm grateful for the sacrafices that he has made to spend the time with me and our children.
It takes a brave man to persue his dreams and rely on only God, himself and his talents to put his face to the wind and keep pushing on in no matter the conditions or enviroment. It has never been easy, sometimes it is really really hard, and sometimes it's sooo sweet and perfect that I wouldn't trade it for all the hard times.

Thank you Honey, I miss you already!

1 comment:

Laura said...

They have to leave to be missed!

I know I've been enjoying being able to go on travel with my hubs since I now stay at home with the baby. But, at the same time, it was nice when he went away with out me...because I could miss him!

And, it's great to know it only gets better with time.